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Connect Dentrix

Add Customers and Market Share Grid Filters to HoneyGrid

Written by HoneyGrid Support
Updated over a week ago

Connecting Dentrix to HoneyGrid enables two Grid Filters:

  • Customers: customer households in each hex

  • Market Share: Customers divided by total Households in each hex

How to Connect Dentrix to HoneyGrid

Estimated time: <5 minutes

  1. In Dentrix Office Manager, click on Letters and Custom Lists and choose Misc..

  2. Select Patient Report (by filters) and click the Edit button on the right

  3. Configure all of these filters:

    • Gender: uncheck all

    • Position: uncheck all

  4. Check the box next to each of these Data Fields:

    • Patient

    • Street Address

    • City

    • State

    • Zip

    • First Visit Date

  5. Clear any existing filters and set the desired date range for First Visit Date

  6. Click the OK button in the bottom right of the Letter or Custom List Setup window

  7. Select the Patient Report (by filters) custom list you just edited

  8. Uncheck the box that says Add to Journal when creating letters

  9. Click the Open in Notepad button

  10. In Notepad, click File and then choose Save as…

    • In the Save as... window, click on Desktop so you can easily find the saved file

    • Enter File name with the date range like this (customized for your date range)
      2022-01-01 to 2023-12-31 [PRACTICE NAME] Address List.txt

    • Save as type should be Text Documents (.txt)

    • Click Save

  11. Open your Desktop folder to make sure you can find the saved .txt file

  12. Close Notepad

  13. Convert the file to CSV to match the HoneyGrid Address List Sample Format

  14. Upload your file to HoneyGrid or request a secure sharing link for additional assistance.

Chat or email us if you have any issues.

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