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Connect Address Lists

Add Customers, Market Share, and other custom Grid Filters to HoneyGrid

Written by HoneyGrid Support
Updated over a week ago

Connecting a CSV of customer addresses will add the following Grid Filters:

  • Customers: customer households in each hex

  • Market Share: Customers divided by total Households in each hex

You may upload additional numerical data (Revenue, Orders) as well. See Additional Customer Data below if you'd like to add custom Grid Filters.

How to Connect a CSV Data Source

Click the Data Sources item in the HoneyGrid left nav bar and then click CSV in the left panel. Click on the Upload Data button in the top right. Drag and drop the CSV file to upload your data.

Customer Address List Format

Your customer address list should be formatted like this sample with the following columns:

  • address1

  • address2

  • city

  • state

  • zip

  • customerCount

Additional Customer Data

You can include custom data like revenue or orders by adding a column after customerCount. Any columns you add will become HoneyGrid Filters with the same label as the column header.

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